“Earning a lot of money is not the key to prosperity.
How you handle it is.”
- Dave Ramsey
Shortly after joining the fellowship, I realised that not just the kids, but their parents and the whole community counts on me. I have faced many such incidents during my TFI fellowship, where parents would be helpless in case of an emergency and would reach out to me as a last resort. In the initial stages, I would empathise with them, and try to help them with as much as I could.
But then, an incident where a kid fell and broke his leg while playing. The parents turned to us for help. I was shocked to learn that a man who earns handsome amount is not able to manage a health-care emergency. With deeper interactions, I understood that many of the parents earn decent amounts of money. This made me wonder if the parents aren’t earning ‘enough’ or if they aren’t able to ‘manage’ their finances. Upon reflection, I realised that I am making them weaker and more dependent by offering a ‘temporary solution’ for a long term problem.
And the kids were learning from what they see their parents do. This was setting a vicious cycle setting out of which was a humongous challenge. I wanted to change that. I wanted the YOUTH to be SELF-RELIANT. I wanted the COMMUNITY to be SELF-RELIANT. And thus SVATAH: started shaping up.
Can you believe that in a country of 130 Million, around 100 million people are financially illiterate?
( Acc. to NCFE survey 2018-19 )
In a world dominated by finances, we at Svatah: believe that it is everyone’s right to be financially literate. Though the Government has some measures in place, they are scanty and cannot cater to the diverse needs of our population. We would like to bridge this gap. We want to make sure that everyone has access to the right financial information and knowledge so that they can make informed decisions. We would like to help them build the right attitude and behaviour that are necessary to lead a financially stable life.